Fresh, Soft, Premium Quality Horse Treats!
Spent Grain
Super-grain - No sugar content - Promotes healthy digestion - Helps with inflammatory bowels - Abundant in lysine => protein builder - 30% phenolic compounds > anti-oxidant > anti-cancer agents
Ground Flaxseed
Improves hoof health - Shines coat - Promotes a calmer demeanor - Omega 3 & fatty acid support - Helps with skin allergies - Low in sugar & starch
Rock Salt
Vital role in the nervous system - Aids in transporting glucose into cell - Determines acidity of cells - Maintains neuromuscular function
Black Strap Molasses
High in B6 => combats stress levels - Stabilizes blood sugar levels - Anti-cancer agents - High in antioxidants - Promotes skin health - Improves bone health - Anti-inflammatory properties - Cholesterol lowering potassium - Cleanses the liver